How to Use Calcium Hypochlorite in Swimming Pools?

.What is Calcium Hypochlorite?

A person wearing protective clothing holding calcium hypochlorite

Calcium hypochlorite is a chemical compound used as a powerful disinfectant and sanitizer. It comes in solid form, typically as white or off-white granules or powder. When dissolved in water, it releases chlorine, which effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and algae. Widely used in water treatment, swimming pool maintenance, household cleaning, and industrial processes, calcium hypochlorite is valued for its strong antimicrobial properties. However, proper handling precautions are necessary due to its corrosive nature.

.Determining the Right Amount

1.Calculate Pool Volume:

Begin by calculating the volume of water in your pool. This involves multiplying the length, width, and average depth of your pool. If your pool has irregular shapes or varying depths, consider using an online pool volume calculator for accuracy.

Calculating Pool Size

2.Consider Current Chlorine Levels:

Test the current chlorine levels in your pool using a reliable pool water testing kit. This will give you a baseline to work from and help determine the necessary dosage.

3.Check Manufacturer Recommendations: 

Different brands of calcium hypochlorite may have varying concentrations and recommended dosages. Refer to the product label or manufacturer’s instructions to determine the appropriate amount of calcium hypochlorite to add based on your pool size and current chlorine levels.

4.Calculate Dosage:

Use the following formula to calculate the dosage of calcium hypochlorite needed:Dosage (in pounds) = Desired Increase in Chlorine (in ppm) x Pool Volume (in gallons) / 10,000For example, if you want to increase the chlorine level by 1 ppm in a 20,000-gallon pool, the calculation would be:Dosage = 1 ppm x 20,000 gallons / 10,000 = 2 pounds

5.Adjust for Factors:

Consider factors such as water temperature, sunlight exposure, bather load, and weather conditions, as these can affect chlorine consumption rates. In hot weather or during periods of heavy pool usage, you may need to increase the dosage accordingly.

6.Pre-Dissolve Calcium Hypochlorite:

To ensure even distribution and prevent granules from settling at the bottom of the pool, pre-dissolve the calculated amount of calcium hypochlorite in a bucket of water. Stir until completely dissolved before adding it to the pool.

.Proper Application


  • Put on protective gear such as gloves and safety goggles to prevent skin and eye irritation.
  • Choose a well-ventilated area for handling the chemical.

2. Pre-Dissolve the Chemical:

  • Fill a clean bucket with a small amount of pool water.
  • Gradually add the measured calcium hypochlorite to the bucket, stirring continuously to ensure complete dissolution.
  • This step prevents the formation of concentrated chlorine pockets and minimizes the risk of damaging pool surfaces.

3.Apply to the Pool:

  • With the filtration system running, evenly distribute the dissolved calcium hypochlorite solution around the perimeter of the pool.
  • Pour slowly to avoid splashing and ensure thorough mixing with the pool water.
Adding calcium hypochlorite to swimming pools

4.Brushing and Circulation:

  • Use a pool brush to agitate the water and ensure proper distribution of the sanitizer.
  • Allow the filtration system to run for several hours to circulate the water and distribute the chlorine evenly.

5.Wait Before Swimming:

  • Wait for the chlorine levels to reach the recommended range (typically 1.0 to 3.0 parts per million) before allowing swimming.
  • Use a pool water testing kit to verify the chlorine levels before swimming.

6.Dispose of Unused Solution Safely:

  • If there’s any leftover solution in the bucket, dilute it with water and dispose of it according to local regulations.
  • Rinse the bucket thoroughly before storing it in a safe place.

.Regular Monitoring and Adjustment

1.Test Chlorine Levels:

Use a pool water testing kit to check the chlorine levels in your pool regularly. Ideal chlorine levels typically range between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm).

2.Adjust as Necessary:

Depending on factors such as weather conditions and pool usage, you may need to adjust the dosage of calcium hypochlorite to maintain optimal chlorine levels. During hot weather or periods of heavy use, you may need to increase the dosage to keep up with increased demand.


Using calcium hypochlorite in your swimming pool is an effective way to keep the water clean, clear, and safe for swimming. By understanding the correct dosage, following manufacturer recommendations, and applying the sanitizer properly, you can ensure that your pool remains a refreshing oasis for you and your family to enjoy all season long.